Wait, what? Acupuncture can help relieve or resolve Peripheral Neuropathy. Yup, not only that, but acupuncture can also help restore function! How? Read on…
Peripheral Neuropathy, often shortened to Neuropathy, is a condition characterized by nerve damage that often leads to:
Chronic pain
Pins and needles
Muscle weakness
Poor balance
Risk of falls or fractures
While medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle adjustments can help reduce the symptoms, many patients will continue to experience any of the above symptoms. Acupuncture, the most popular modality within traditional Chinese medicine, is recognized for offering relief by addressing both the symptoms and underlying root causes of Neuropathy.
How Acupuncture Works for Neuropathy
Acupuncture involves the insertion of single-use, disposable, and thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate circulation and promote healing. A qualified acupuncturist will select points based on their diagnosis, the location of the symptoms, and the likely root cause.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Neuropathy
Improving Blood Flow: Good circulation is critical for healing damaged nerves. Acupuncture has been shown to enhance blood flow, which helps in reducing neuropathic pain and aids in the healing of nerve tissues.
Reducing Pain and Inflammation: By stimulating specific points along the body, acupuncture can release natural painkillers like endorphins and reduce inflammation, thereby providing discomfort relief associated with neuropathy.
Restoring Nerve Function: Acupuncture is believed to stimulate nerve regeneration by improving blood circulation, which can be beneficial in restoring nerve function partially impaired by neuropathy.
Regulating Neural Pathways: Acupuncture may help reduce pain signals and the body's response to neuropathy symptoms. It helps recalibrate the messaging system to the brain via the nervous system.
What Do Clinical Studies Have To Say
There is plenty of research on acupuncture for neuropathy that shows promising results. Especially for cases related to diabetes and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Studies have found that acupuncture not only reduces the pain associated with neuropathy but may also improve nerve conduction. Some clinical trials suggest that regular acupuncture sessions can significantly improve symptoms and thus enhance the quality of life for neuropathy patients.
Integrating Acupuncture with Other Medical Treatments
Acupuncture is not only safe to integrate with your current medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes, it can even make the treatments more effective. Acupuncture can also help reduce the side effects of the medications.
Conclusion: Acupuncture Can Potentially Help With Neuropathy
For those struggling with neuropathy, acupuncture offers hope. It aims to not only alleviate symptoms but also to restore function and quality of life. If neuropathy is affecting your life, consider acupuncture as a potential treatment option to ease your symptoms and improve your daily life.
Experience The Difference A Personalized Treatment Approach Can Make
Restorative Care Acupuncture & Health has an amazing success rate when treating plantar fasciitis and many other health problems using our style of acupuncture in Miami. If you or someone you know needs the amazing benefits of this amazing holistic approach, make them “aware” there is help. Contact us today to book an appointment and we will let you know what we can do for you.